Accept 100+ payment modes and offer ease to your customers.
Make online payments faster, simpler and error-free.
Sell in-store and online seamlessly
By Soumiya Awasthi | July 31, 2020
According to RBI data, in May 2020, the total number of PoS deployed online by banks summed up to 5.02 million and transactions worth 3.23 million and 3.76 million were done on PoS through credit cards and debit cards, respectively.1
If you own a retail business, you too probably count on your PoS for a secure and convenient transaction process. A reliable PoS should have the capability of doing much more than just accept payments. Pine Labs' Android-based PoS, Plutus Smart is not just a product to carry out transactions but it comes with some additional features that makes it an all-in-one PoS for your store.
Top features to consider in an all-in-one PoS
One of the prominent features of an all-in one PoS needs to be its ability to accept multiple modes of payments including debit /credit cards, UPI, QR code, mobile wallets, and even loyalty points as payment mode. By doing so, retailers can offer their customers the convenience of completing the transaction through their preferred transaction mode.
If you have a store inside a major mall, a popular shopping market or a tourist destination, the PoS at your checkout counter needs to be foreigner-friendly. Using the Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) feature of Plutus Smart, Pine Labs' Android PoS, you can give international customers the convenience of paying in their local currency.
Providing affordability option to your customers increases the chances of boosting your sales. Pine Labs' PoS gives you the option of converting a regular lumpsum payment into a brand/bank EMI-led transaction, in just a few clicks and taps on the point of sale device. In unprecedented times like these, when consumers are wary of spending, offering EMI option to them is a great way to boost sales. Read more about our affordability solutions.
To offer best customer experience, it is important to know the likes, dislikes, and shopping patterns of your customers. One of the best ways to gauge the mood of the customer is by capturing their feedback right at the point of sale. A smart PoS should have the capability of integrating with a robust external CRM solution, preferably a simple business app and help you in pulling out the relevant nuggets of information around customer data.
Accurate transactions are crucial for smooth running of a business and this can be easily achievable if your PoS has an in-built barcode scanner. This helps in digitizing transaction process and expediting the invoice calculation process.
It is important for others to know about your brand. Having a strong brand recall helps in gaining recognition and gives you a competitive edge in the market. Pine Labs Plutus Smart PoS gives you the option to apply UI and color themes according to your brand's identity.
To conclude, your PoS can do a lot more than only accept payments at the checkout counter. You must discover the opportunities and leverage them to increase sales and win customers. If you are looking for a reliable PoS for your business needs, reach out to us.
1 Source:
By Pine Labs | on October 28, 2021
By Vinisha Kataria | on February 25, 2021